Pixracer R15 Autopilot
The Pixracer R15 Autopilot retains all the functionalities of the original Pixhawk, including version 2, and even adds more features! It is size-optimized and has an ideal number of inputs/outputs, enabling it to switch between a comprehensive autopilot system (with auto-landing and full navigation) and a high-performance racing platform.
The Pixracer R15 Autopilot model boasts an upgraded accelerometer/gyro, magnetometer, and is ROHS (Lead-Free) compliant. It also includes an ESP8266 module for convenient WiFi updates and comes with the latest Ardupilot ESP8266 firmware. This new firmware offers a user-friendly web interface, MavLink2 support, and simplifies future updates through the web interface.
32-bit STM32F427 Cortex M4 core with FPU rev. 3
168 MHz/256 KB RAM/2 MB Flash
External Memory:
Invensense ICM-20602 or ICM-20608 3-axis accelerometer/gyroscope
MEAS MS5611 barometer
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