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Pixracer R15 Autopilot

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Pixracer R15 Autopilot

The Pixracer R15 Autopilot retains all the functionalities of the original Pixhawk, including version 2, and even adds more features! It is size-optimized and has an ideal number of inputs/outputs, enabling it to switch between a comprehensive autopilot system (with auto-landing and full navigation) and a high-performance racing platform.

The Pixracer R15 Autopilot model boasts an upgraded accelerometer/gyro, magnetometer, and is ROHS (Lead-Free) compliant. It also includes an ESP8266 module for convenient WiFi updates and comes with the latest Ardupilot ESP8266 firmware. This new firmware offers a user-friendly web interface, MavLink2 support, and simplifies future updates through the web interface.


32-bit STM32F427 Cortex M4 core with FPU rev. 3

168 MHz/256 KB RAM/2 MB Flash

External Memory:
F-RAM Cypress MF25V02-G 256-Kbit nonvolatile memory (Flash memory that performs as fast as RAM)
SD Card slot with 8gb Micro SD card SanDisk. Adapter included
Invensense MPU-9250 3-axis accelerometer/gyroscope/magnetometer
Invensense ICM-20602 or ICM-20608 3-axis accelerometer/gyroscope
MEAS MS5611 barometer
ST LIS3MDL magnetometer
5x UART (serial ports), 2x with HW flow control and GPS+I2C®
Spektrum DSM / DSM2 / DSM-X® Satellite compatible input up to DX9 and above.
Futaba S.BUS® & S.BUS2® compatible input
FRSky Telemetry port output
Graupner SUMD
Yuneec ST24
PPM sum input signal
OneShot PWM output (Configurable)
RSSI (PWM or voltage) input
External microUSB port
Dronecode Debug connector
WiFi Telemetry & firmware update via ESP8266 (Included!)
6x PWM outputs
JST-GH connectors using Dronecode connector standard
Power System:
Ultra low noise LDO voltage regulators
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Pixracer R15 Autopilot 2 - Pixracer R15 Autopilot Pixracer R15 Autopilot 5 - Pixracer R15 Autopilot Pixracer R15 Autopilot 4 - Pixracer R15 Autopilot Pixracer R15 Autopilot 3 - Pixracer R15 Autopilot Pixracer R15 Autopilot 1 - Pixracer R15 Autopilot
Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

R15 Autopilot, R15 Autopilot+M8N GPS, R15 Autopilot+M8N GPS+Power Module

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