Radiolink AT9S Pro User Manual
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1.Earth Pole
3.Voltage Input: 7.4-18V
5.Input: RSSI
Compatible Receivers
AT9S Pro is a 12 channels transmitter, support 2.4G DSSS and FHSS dual hybrid spread spectrum, 16 channels pseudo random frequency hopping.
AT9S Pro sells with receiver R9DS.
R9DS is a 9 channels receiver when working with PWM signal(red LED), it will a 10 channels receiver when working with S-BUS signal(purple/blue LED).
Besides R9DS, AT9S Pro is also compatible with Radiolink R6DS, R10DS, R12DS and super mini 10 channels receiver R6DSM and 12 channels mini dual antenna receiver R12DSM.
R6DS, is a 6 channels receiver when working with PWM signal while it is a 10 channels receiver when working with SBUS or PPM signal.
R12DS, is a 11 channels receiver when working with PWM signal while it is a 12 channels receiver when working with SBUS signal.
Radiolink AT9S Pro 10/12 Channels 2.4GHz RC Radio Transmitter and Receiver R9DS Remote Controller Long Range for FPV Racing Drone/Quad/Airplane and More (Mode 2 Left Hand)
Note AT9S Pro is default 10 channels, you can upgrade it to 12 channels with USB cable. You have to setup AT9S Pro to 12 channels first if you use 12 channels receivers R12DS or R12DSM while you have to setup AT9S Pro back to 10 channels when you use 10 channels receiver R6DS, R6DSM and R10DS.
To setup to 12 channels: power on your AT9S Pro–Press Mode button one second into BASIC MENU–into SYSTEM menu–change CH-SELECT from 10CH to 12CH.
Since Radiolink radio control systems are not open source, that Radiolink transmitters just compatible with Radiolink receivers and vice versa.
Connect to TBS Crossfire TX
- Power on the transmitter- Long press the Mode key to enter the BASIC MENU->Rotate the Scroll Dial to highlight the SYSTEM option and depress the Enter key->Select the OUT and change the output as CRSF
Note There are totally three signal output SBUS/PPM/CRSF
- Connect the TBS Crossfire transmitter to the AT9S Pro with the cable(packed inside the box)
Note The compatibility function with TBS Crossfire TX is only available in AT9S Pro, which CANNOT be upgraded from AT9S Pro directly.
RSSI testing
Power on transmitter and receiver, keep transmitter apart from receiver about 30 centimeters and both antennas straight.
Enter the parameter setup menu by press MODE one second, you can check the RSSI in RECEIVE.
The RSSI is 0 to 30dBm is normal when the transmitter is apart about 30 centimeters from the receiver, the signal is more better the RSSI data is more close to 0.
Radio Installation
Mount the Servos, Receiver and Battery
• Make certain the alignment tab on the battery, switch and servo connectors is orient correctly and ‘key’ into the corresponding notch in the receiver or connectors before plugging them in .When unplugging connectors, never pull on the wires. Always pull on the plastic connector instead.
• Receiver’s Antenna: In generally receiver’s antenna is longer than remote control, don’t break or retract it, otherwise shorten the control distance. The antenna must be kept away from conductive materials, such as metal. Please make distance test before flying.
• If your aileron servos are too far away to plug into the receiver, use an aileron extension cord to extend the length. Avoid plugging multiple extensions together to obtain your desired length. If the distance is greater than 50cm or high current draw servos are being used, use heavy servo extensions.
• Receiver Vibration and Waterproofing: the receiver contains precision electronic part. Be sure to avoid vibration, shock, and temperature extremes. For protection, wrap the receiver in foam rubber or other vibration-absorbing materials. It is also a good idea to waterproof the receiver by placing it in a plastic bag and securing the open end of the bag with a rubber band before wrapping it with foam rubber. If you accidentally get moisture or fuel inside the receiver, you may experience intermittent operation or a crash. If in doubt, please contact Radiolink aftercares or distributors for service.
• Always mount the servos with the supplied rubber grommets. Don’t over tighten the screws. No part of the servo casing should contact the mounting rails, servo tray or any part of structure. Otherwise vibration will be transmitted to the servo causing damage of servo. Note the small numbers (1, 2, 3, and 4) molded into each arm on the servo arms. The number indicate how many degrees each arm is ‘off’ from 90 degrees to correct for minute manufacturing deviations from servo to servo.
Installment of Antenna
Installment of antenna
- Receiver Antenna Installment
- Keep antennas as straight as possible, or the effective control range will reduce.
- Big models may contain metal parts that influence signal emission. In this case, antennas should be positioned at both sides of the model to ensure the best signal status in all circumstances.
- Antennas should be kept away from metal conductor and carbon fiber at least half inch away and no over bending.
- Keep antennas away from motor, ESC or other possible interference sources.
- Press and hold the ID SET for more than one second and receivers will start to work with the RED LED on.
Note Receiver contains some electronic components of high-precision. Be careful to avoid strong vibration and high temperature.
When all the above steps are complete, please turn off the transmitter and repower on to test if the receiver is correctly connected with it.
- Transmitter Antenna Installment
- The transmitter antenna is adjustable so please make sure that the antenna never points directly at the model when flying as this may possibly decrease the receiver signal.
- Keep the antenna perpendicular to the transmitter to optimize the receiver performance. It also depends on how you hold the transmitter. But in most cases, adjusting the antenna with perpendicular position to the transmitter surface will achieve the best result. Please adjust the transmitter antenna according to the way you hold the transmitter.
- Never grip the antenna when flying as this degrades= effective control range..
Radio Basic Setting
Basic Setting of Transmitter
- Display language: can be selected the display language of the function name, etc. in each function menu. The screen reads “LANGUAGE”. Change this to the desired language.
- Stick Mode: The screen reads “STK-MODE”. Change this to the correct mode. Note that this will NOT change the throttle and elevator ratchets, etc. Those are mechanical changes that must be done by a service center.
- RF Mode: the LED indicator will become solid green when RF Mode is active.
- Adjusting Display Contrast: To adjust the display contrast, from the home menu press and hold the END BUTTON. Turn the DIAL while still holding the END BUTTON: clockwise to brighten and counterclockwise to darken the display.
- User name setting: user name can be set by DIAL and PUSH with letters and numbers.
- Alarming voltage:
Transmitter: preset 8.6V, can be self-set
Receiver: preset 4.0V, can be self-set
Ext: preset 10.1V, can be self-set
Model Type
Under basic menu, use DIAL to select MODEL TYPE and enter by pressing PUSH. There are 6 different type included in the system, HELICOPTER, AEROBASIC, GLID(1A+1F), GLID(2A+1F), GLID(2A+2F), and MULTIROTOR, after model type is selected, press and hold PUSH for 1 second, when the word “are you sure to change” displayed, model type is changed.
Each transmitter has an individually assigned, unique ID code. Receiver should bind to transmitter before starting operation. Once binding is complete, the ID code will be stored in the receiver and no further binding is necessary unless the receiver is used with another transmitter. When you purchase a new R9DS, this procedure is necessary; otherwise the receiver will not work.
1. Put the transmitter and the receiver close to each other about 50 centimeters.
2. Power on AT9S Pro and receiver R9DS. The RED LED will be on.
3. Turn on AT9S Pro and it will automatically bind with the closest receiver.
4. There is a black binding button (ID SET) on the side of receiver. Press the button for more than 1 second and release, the RED (by default, could be Purple for SBUS&PWM signal output) LED will flash, meaning binding process is ongoing.
5. When the LED stops flashing and is always on , binding is complete.
6. Make sure servos connected with the receiver can be operated by the transmitter.
Working Modes of R9DS
There are two signal working modes, PWM and SBUS&PWM signal output. Short press ID SET twice within 1s, the working mode will change.The RED led indicates the PWM output and BLUE/PURPLE led indicates SBUS signal.
(1) PWM signal output working mode:RED led indicates PWM signal output, 9 channels totally
(2) SBUS&PWM dual signal output working mode: blue/purple LED indicates SBUS&PWM signal output at the same time with 10 channels totally. CH9 outputs SBUS signal while the original CH1 outputs CH3 PWM signal and original CH2 to CH6 output CH6 to CH10 PWM signal at the same time.
Transmitter Displays & Buttons
When you first turn on your transmitter, a confirmation double beep sounds, and the screen shown below appears. Before flying, or even starting the engine, be sure that the model type and name appearing on the display matches the model that you are about to fly! If you are in the wrong model memory, servos may be reversed, and travels and trims will be wrong, leading to an immediate crash.
Total timer: Shows the cumulated ON times. (Hours: minutes)
T1/T2:T1/T2 timer display.(minutes: seconds)
MT:Model timer display Shows the cumulated ON time for each model.(hours: minutes)
Button instruction
Press and hold MODE BUTTON for one second to open programming menus. Press MODE BUTTON to switch between BASIC and ADVANCE. Press MODE BUTTON to scroll between conditions in certain functions.
Press END BUTTON to return to previous screen. Closes functions back to menus, closes menus to start-up screen.
Press PUSH BUTTON to select a function.
Turn DIAL:
Turn DIAL clockwise or counterclockwise to scroll through choices within an option of a function
Warning and error display
When the transmitter is powered on, warning or error may happen by the following probability
- Battery low voltage alarming
Lithium battery 2S-4S can fit for the transmitter, warning voltage can be self-set according to different battery.
Setting step: power on the transmitter, press and hold MODE one second to enter basic menu, and press PUSH to enter PARAMETER. Choose TX ALARM by DIAL and PUSH to change relative data. Suggested min voltage is not less than 7.4V.
When the transmitter voltage is less than the setting voltage, it will beep till the transmitter is powered off. Most important thing is to land your model plane when the transmitter alarms.
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